Deutsch Intern
    Department of Psychology V - Workgroup Hewig


    Bachelorthesis / Masterthesis:

    In workgroup of Prof. Dr. Johannes Hewig, master thesises or bachelor thesises below are still available and may be suitable for group work. Please ask the advisor for further information:

    Hewig: Interindividuell differences in feedback processing.

    Hewig: Interindividuell differences and psychophysiological bases of human choice behaviour.

    Hewig: Social choice in ultimatum game: The influence of emotion and variables of differential psychology.

    Hewig: Frontal brain activity and the relation with personality and motivation.

    Paelecke: Interpersonal decision making (cooperation, trust, trustworthiness).

    Paelecke: Influence of affective and motivational states on Cognitive Scope.

    Paelecke: Influence of state und trait anger on visual attention.

    Paelecke: Stimulus processing, cognitive control and decision making in the context of accentuated personality traits.

    Paelecke: Stimulating influence of transcranial direct-current stimulation on cognitive functions.

    Rodrigues: Frontal asymmetry in a virtual T-maze (approach-avoidance and defensive aggression).

    Rodrigues: Elektrophysiological marker in economic games, moderated by personality traits and state inductions.