
Generative drawing through integration of retrieval practice

The primary goal of this research project is to investigate how lasting learning can be promoted by generative drawing through the integration of retrieval practice. Generative drawing, a process by which learners construct their own drawings while reading expository texts, has demonstrated its effectiveness in promoting comprehension by facilitating the construction of a mental model that integrates both verbal and visual information. However, the effectiveness of generative drawing for fostering long-term learning remains suboptimal because it insufficiently consolidates the mental representations formed during the drawing process.

In this project, we propose to optimize generative drawing by incorporating retrieval practice, an activity with a pronounced consolidation function. Previous research has investigated the integration of retrieval practice into generative learning tasks using closed-book formats, requiring learners to retrieve information from memory to perform generative tasks. Although prior research has provided a useful approach for integrating retrieval practice with generative tasks, a clear and comprehensive framework for optimizing this integration has yet to be established.
Across three consecutive experiments, we apply different ways to refine the integration of retrieval practice into generative drawing to increase the retrieval success by: (1) Providing learners with the opportunity to improve their drawings in an open-book format after completing their drawings in a closed-book format, (2) incorporating focused processing prompts during the initial reading phase to stimulate organization and elaboration, and (3) allowing learners to switch between open-book and closed-book formats for generative drawing.
Through the comprehensive refinement of the integration of retrieval practice into generative drawing, this research aims to develop a framework for generative drawing tasks that enhance lasting learning.

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Roelle, J., Endres, T., Abel, R., Obergassel, N., Nückles, M., & Renkl, A. (2023). Happy together? On the relationship between research on retrieval practice and generative learning using the case of follow-up learning tasks. Educational Psychology Review, 35, Article 102. (open access)

Roelle, J., Schweppe J., Endres, T., Lachner, A., von Aufschnaiter, C., Renkl, A., Eitel. A., Leutner D., Rummer R., Scheiter, K., & Vorholzer, A., (2022) Combining Retrieval Practice and Generative Learning in Educational Contexts: Promises and Challenges. Zeitschrift für Entwicklungspsychologie und Pädagogische Psychologie/German Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology, 54(4), 142 –150. (open access) 

Waldeyer, J., Heitmann, S., Moning, J., & Roelle, J. (2020). Can generative learning tasks be optimized by incorporation of retrieval practice? Journal of Applied Research in Memory and Cognition, 9(3), 355–369.

Roelle, J., & Nückles, M. (2019). Generative learning versus retrieval practice in learning from text: The cohesion and elaboration of the text matters. Journal of Educational Psychology, 111(8), 1341–1361.

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