Course Choice

If you need assistance in choosing your courses and finding course details (ECTS per module, module identifier, weekly hours ...), Stefanie Griebsch, our student team member, is there to assist you. Please feel free to mail her.
Which courses may I choose?
You can choose all courses and lectures that you are interested in and that fit to your study structure of your resident university. For every course we have a suggestion in which term you should take it. You can put together your course schedule with the help of our Erasmus coordinator and your coordinator at your resident university. You can find all available modules in the module catalogue as well as a step by step guide how to find them in the course catalogue. Additionally, there are a lot of courses within the so-called ASQ-Pool ("Allgemeine Schlüsselqualifikationen" or Genereal Key Competencies) that you can choose as well.
While not all courses are held every semester and the names and topics may vary, you can however rely on the modules. Therefore, you should rather specify modules in your Learning Agreement instead of concrete courses.
My advisor at home wants to have a look at the module descriptions. Where do I find these?
The module descriptions are available here:
- Bachelor, Annex
- Master, Annex
- In case, links are broken, here is a list of all module plans of the university: Complete list
Which courses are available in English language?
While most courses are held in German language, there are many courses in English language as well. Moreover, there are courses in German language, where you can contribute in English. In the course catalogue, please have a look at the category "International Student Programme" or consider the list of english courses that links to the according seminars in the online catalogue. The available courses in English language amount to roughly 60 ECTS in total. You can therefore study two terms in English language, if you like.
How many courses should I take?
During your exchange you should reach a certain number of European Credit Transfer System-Points. In general you should reach around 20 ECTS each term. The amount is up to your resident university.
Does my resident university recognize the courses I took in Würzburg?
Within a “Learning Agreement“ between the University of Würzburg and your resident university, courses will be defined that you take abroad. Whether these study achievements will be recognized or not depends on how well these courses fit to the structure of your studies at home. Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Lenhard and your home coordinator are the advised contact persons for all questions regarding credit transfer to the resident university, academic requirements and contents of courses.
What is the language of instruction?
Most of the courses are taught in German. Therefore you are required to have a sufficient knowledge of German to comprehend the courses. We are striving to improve the English course choice. Besides a selection of "English only" courses, we additionally offer a number of courses that are mainly held in German, but where you can contribute in English language as well.
How can I improve my German?
The Language Centre – Zentrum für Sprachen (ZfS) offers preparatory and term-time German classes free of charge for exchange students. Preliminary German Intensive Language Courses take place prior to the lecture period in March and September.
When do the terms begin? How do I apply for course enrollment?
Please have a look at Important Dates. The academic year is divided into two terms. You can stay in Würzburg for either one or two terms. You can find the according time schedules here: Fristen und Termine (please choose the according PDF; course intervals are named "Vorlesungszeiten"). The wintersemester usually starts in the first weeks of October and the summer term in the midth of April.
You usually have to apply in WueStudy (the course catalogue & self service portal of the university) to attend courses. In order to apply, you need a university account which you will automatically receive together with all other stuff from the International Office after coming here. Some students have technical problems to enroll in courses. Please directly mail to the lecturers in this case. If the mail address of the lecturer is not visible, you can find the address troght WueAddress. They can enroll you manually. Please come in time in order to get the courses you want. Of course, it is possible to directly contact the lecturers after coming here in case you missed the registration period.
I am a little bit nervous. Where do I find help?
Of course, we will assist you in your study. First of all, there is the international office and the mentors there, who will help you accomodate with Würzburg and all necessary regulations. The Learning Agreements and course choice will be supervised by the Eramus Coordinator and the students of psychology are burning to show you the institute and the city. There is a mentoring system that will help you to have a terrific time here, gain new impressions and feel at home. Please have a look at the helpful addresses.