Deutsch Intern
    Department of Psychology IV

    Publications by Marina Klimovich

    Journal Articles

    Klimovich, M. & Richter, T. (2024). Metacognitive training can reduce mindless reading. Journal of Educational Psychology, 116(5), 836–852. (open access)

    Klimovich, M., Tiffin-Richards, S. P., & Richter, T. (2023). Does speed-reading training work, and if so, why? Effects of speed-reading training and metacognitive training on reading speed, comprehension, and eye-movements. Journal of Research in Reading, 46(2), 123-142. (open access)

    Conference Proceedings

    Klimovich M., & Richter, T. (2024, July 17-19). Mind-wandering during first and second language reading. Poster presented at 34th Annual Meeting of the Society for Text and Discourse 2024, Chicago, IL, United States.

    Klimovich M., & Richter, T. (2023, September 18-20). Mind-wandering during first and second language reading. Poster presented at 19th Conference of the Expert Group on Educational Psychology of the German Psychology Society 2023, Kiel, Germany.

    Klimovich M. & Richter, T. (2023, June 28-30). Metacognitive training can reduce mindless reading. Paper presented at 33rd Annual Meeting of the Society for Text and Discourse 2023, Oslo, Norway.

    Klimovich, M., Tiffin-Richards, S. P.,  & Richter, T. (2022, September 12-15). Does speed-reading training work, and if so, why? Impact of speed-reading training and metacognitive training on reading speed, comprehension, and eye-movements. Paper presented at 52nd Annual Meeting of the Congress of the German Psychological Society 2022, Hildesheim, Germany.

    Klimovich, M., Tiffin-Richards, S. P.,  & Richter, T. (2022, July 19-21). Does speed-reading training work, and if so, why? Impact of speed-reading training and metacognitive training on reading speed, comprehension, and eye-movements. Paper presented at 32nd Annual Meeting of the Society for Text and Discourse 2022, Atlanta, GA, United States.