Deutsch Intern
    Department of Psychology IV

    Publikationen von Veit Kubik


    *Shared first authorship


    1.  Kubik, V., Keller, L., Jaspers, L., Koch, A., Hoogerheide, V., & Roelle, J. (2024, January 2). Who Are the 50 Most Productive Researchers in Top-Tier Educational Psychology Journals From 2017 to 2022? A New Perspective with a Focus on Publication Trends and Diversity. Retrieved from


    35. Sengewald, M.-A., Henninger M., Bechtloff, P., & Kubik, V. (2024). Familiengerechte Karrieremöglichkeiten in der psychologischen Forschung? Eine Bestandsaufnahme zur Vereinbarkeit beruflicher und familiärer Anforderungen im Fach Psychologie mit Empfehlungen für zielgerichtete Unterstützungsmaßnahmen. [Family-friendly career opportunities in psychological research? A review of the compatibility of professional and family requirements in the field of psychology with recommendations for targeted support measures.] Psychologische Rundschau, 75(3), 236–248.

    34. Richter, T. & Kubik, V. (in press). Wissenserwerb. In D. Urhahne, M. Dresel & F. Fischer (Hrsg.), Psychologie für den Lehrberuf (2. Aufl.). Berlin: Springer.

    33. Aslan, A., & Kubik, V. (2024). Build-up and release from proactive interference: The forward testing effect in children’s spatial memory. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 240,105838


    32. Endres, T.,* Kubik, V.,* Koslowski, K., Hahne, F., & Renkl, A. (2023). Immediate benefits of retrieval tasks: On the role of self-regulated relearning, metacognition, and motivation. Zeitschrift für Entwicklungspsychologie und Pädagogische Psychologie (German Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology).

    31. Hausman, H., & Kubik, V. (2023). Delayed metacomprehension judgments do not directly improve learning from texts. Journal of Intelligence, 11(7), 150. (open access)

    30.  Hefter, M. H., Kubik, V., & Berthold, K. (2023). Can prompts improve self-explaining an online video lecture? — Yes, but do not disturb!. International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education,  20(15). (open access)


    29.  Kubik, V., Harris, R., & Hakelind, C. (in press). Teaching and learning psychology in times of COVID and beyond: Special Issue of the ESPLAT Conference 2021. Psychology Learning & Teaching, 21(3), 190–192. (open access)

    28.  Broeker, L., Brüning, J., Fandakova, Y., Khosravani, N., Kiesel, A., Kubik, V., Kübler, S., Manzey, D., Monno, I., Raab, M., & Schubert, T. (2022). Individual differences fill the uncharted intersections between cognitive structure, flexibility, and plasticity in multitasking. Psychological Review129(6), 1486–1494.

    27.  Kubik, V., Koswloski, K. Schubert, T., & Aslan, A. (2022). Metacognitive judgments can potentiate new learning: The role of covert retrieval. Metacognition and Learning, 17, 1057–1077. (open access)

    26.  Kubik, V., Jemstedt, A., Eshratabadi, H. M., Schwartz, B., & Jönsson, F. (2022). The underconfidence- with-practice effect in action memory: The Contribution of retrieval practice to metacognitive monitoring. Metacognition and Learning, 17, 375–398. (open access)

    25.  Frick, A., Chavaillaz, A., Mäntylä, T., & Kubik, V. (2022). Development of multitasking abilities in middle childhood. Learning and Instruction, 77. (open access)

    24.  Sparfeldt, J. R., Richter, T., Kubik, V., & Marksteiner, T. (2022). Gute Forschung - bereits im Psychologiestudium!. Psychologische Rundschau, 73, 35–38. (open access)


    23.  Kubik, V., Glogger-Frey, I., & Gaschler, R. (2021). Promoting self-regulated learning: Training, feedback, and addressing teachers' misconceptions. Psychology Learning & Teaching, 20(3), 306–323. (open access)

    22.  Kubik, V., Marksteiner, T., & Richter, T. (2021). Qualitätssicherung schriftlicher Prüfungen in der Psychologie: Ein wichtiges Thema und einige offene Fragen [Quality assurance of written examinations in psychology: An important topic with some open questions]. Psychologische Rundschau, 72(2), 106–108. (open access)

    21.  Kubik, V., Gaschler, R., & Hausman, H. (2021). Enhancing student learning in research and educational practice: The power of retrieval practice and feedback. Psychology Learning & Teaching, 20(1), 1–20.

    20.  Enders, N., Gaschler, R., & Kubik, V. (2021). Online quizzes with closed questions in formal assessment: How elaborate feedback can promote  learning. Psychology Learning & Teaching, 20(1), 91–106.

    19.  Richter, T., Hertel, S., Kubik, V., Marksteiner, T., Souvignier, E. & Sparfeldt, J. R. (2021). In welchen Branchen und für welche beruflichen Tätigkeiten werden Psychologinnen und Psychologen gesucht und was sollten sie können? Eine systematische Inhaltsanalyse von Stellenanzeigen. [In which areas and for which professional activities are psychologists sought and what should they be able to do? A systematic content analysis of job advertisements]. Psychologische Rundschau. Advance online publication. (open access)

    18.  Yoshimura, N., Morimoto, K., Murai, M., Kihara, Y.,  Marmolejo-Ramos, F., Kubik, V., & Yamada, Y. (2021). Age of smile: a cross-cultural replication report of Ganel and Goodale (2018). Journal of Cultural Cognitive Science, 5, 1–15. (open access)


    17.  Kubik, V., Del Missier, F., & Mäntylä, T. (2020). Spatial ability contributes memory for delayed intentions. Cognitive Research: Principles & Implications, 5(36). (open access)

    16.  Kubik, V., Jönsson, F. U., de Jonge, M., & Arshamian, A. (2020). Putting testing into action. Enacted retrieval practice benefits long-term retention more than covert retrieval retention. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 73(12), 2093–2105.

    15.  Zimmermann, M., Kubik, V., Persson, J., & Mäntylä, T. (2019). Monitoring multiple deadlines relies on spatial processing in posterior parietal cortex. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 31(10), 1468–1483.

    14.  Riemer, M., Kubik, V., & Wolbers, T. (2019). The effect of feedback on temporal error monitoring and timing behavior. Behavioral Brain Research, 369.

    2019 and earlier

    13.  Kubik, V., Jönsson, F. U., Knopf, M., & Mack, W. (2018). The direct testing effect is pervasive in action memory: Analyses of recall accuracy and recall speed. Frontiers in Psychology. 9:1632. (open access)

    12.  Todorov, I., Kubik, V., Carelli, M. G., Del Missier, F., & Mäntylä, T. (2018). Spatial offloading in multiple task monitoring. Journal of Cognitive Psychology, 30(2), 230-241.

    11.  Jemstedt, A.,  Kubik, V., & Jönsson, F. (2017). What moderates the accuracy of ease of learning judgments? Metacognition and Learning, 12, 337–355. (open access)

    10.  Mäntylä, T.,  Coni, V., Kubik, V., Todorov, I., & Del Missier, F. (2017). Times takes space: Selective effects of multitasking on concurrent spatial processing. Cognitive Processing, 18, 229–235. (open access)

    9.  Obermeyer, S., Kubik, V., Schaich, A., Kolling, T., & Knopf, M. (2017). Learning to recognize younger faces at an older age. Aging Clinical and Experimental Research, 29(2), 191–196.

    8.  Tempel, T., & Kubik, V. (2017). Test-potentiated learning of motor sequences. Memory, 25(3), 326–334.

    7.  Kubik, V., Olofsson, J. K., Nilsson, L.-G., & Jönsson, F. U. (2016). Putting action memory to the test: Testing affects subsequent restudy but not long-term forgetting of action events. Journal of Cognitive Psychology, 28(2), 209–219.

    6.  Kubik, V., Nilsson, L.-G., Olofsson, J. K., & Jönsson, F. U. (2015). Testing effects on subsequent restudy and forgetting of action phrases. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 56(5), 475–481.

    5.  Kubik, V., Söderlund, H., Nilsson, L.-G., & Jönsson, F. U. (2014). Individual and combined effects of enactment and testing on memory for action phrases. Experimental Psychology, 61(5), 347–355.

    4.  Kubik, V., Obermeyer, S., Meier, J., & Knopf, M. (2014). The enactment effect in a multi-trial free-recall paradigm. Journal of Cognitive Psychology, 26(7), 781–787.

    3.  Jönsson, F. U., Kubik, V., Larsson Sundqvist, M., Todorov, I., & Jonsson, B. (2014). How crucial is the response  format for the testing effect? Psychological Research, 78, 623–633.

    2.  Larsson Sundqvist, M., Todorov, I., Kubik, V., & Jönsson, F. U. (2012). Study for now, but judge for later: Delayed judgments of learning promote long-term retention. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 53(6), 450–454.

    1.  Schatz, T. R., Spranger, T., Kubik, V., & Knopf, M. (2011). Exploring the enactment effect from an information processing view: What can we learn from serial position analyses? Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 52(6), 509–515.

    Books/Book Chapters

    4.  Gaschler, R., Katsarava, M., & Kubik, V. (2021). General psychology sensation and perception. In: International Handbook of Psychology Learning and Teaching. Springer International Handbooks of Education. Springer, Cham.

    3.  Kubik, V., & Knopf, M. (2021). Plastizität. In J. Pantel, C. Bollheimer, C. Sieber, & A. Kruse (Eds.), Praxishandbuch der Altersmedizin. Geriatrie Gerontopsychiatrie Gerontologie (pp. 120–130). Stuttgart: Kohlhammer.

    2.  Kubik, V., & Knopf, M. (2014). Plastizität. In J. Pantel, C. Bollheimer, C. Sieber, & A. Kruse(Eds.), Praxishandbuch der Altersmedizin. Geriatrie Gerontopsychiatrie Gerontologie (pp. 111–120). Stuttgart: Kohlhammer.

    1.  Kubik, V. (2014). Effects of testing and enactment on memory (Doctoral dissertation). Stockholm University, Stockholm. ISBN 978-91-7447-993-5.